Sunday, August 28, 2011

Best Snore Pillow - Sleep Apnea Pillow

The best snore pillow (sometimes called a "sleep apnoea pillow") is designed to help you stop snoring in bed without assistance of any other anti-snoring aids.

How does it work

The stop snoring pillow works in different ways.

First, it is made of memory foam. This material retains its shape after being deformed. As a best snore pillow would not even be possible with a normal hen or similar to the traditional pillow. Many people are allergic to regular pillows, which makes the nasal passages become narrower, causing snoring. The best snore pillow is made from foam and generally is hypoallergenic and helps prevent snoring.

Second, the primary way that most of this work is to promote a position on the pillow of the jaw optimal if lying on your back. Most snoring occurs when people are lying on their backs and drop their jaws in a position where the airflow is restricted. A pillow to stop snoring promote jaw to avoid this situation and prevent snoring at the same time.

Some pillows actually prevent you from sleeping on your back at all. Seem to follow the same principle as the old method of sewing a tennis ball in the back of your pajamas so you can sleep on your side. These are not favored by those who prefer sleeping on their back, at least part time.

Recent advances in

Recently, the Japanese have created what is possibly the best stop snoring pillow is currently available. It detects when you start to snore, and wakes up a series of vibrations.

These vibrations are not strong or sufficient to cause you or your partner to become fully awake. Instead, you wake up gently enough so that you can simply collapse and change of sleeping position and stop snoring.


The stop snoring pillow is only one way to stop snoring. By far the best advice is to lose a little weight, it will reduce the amount of soft tissue of the airways that contribute to snoring. Other good anti-snoring aid that you can find different levels of success with medications, injections, bands and mouth.

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